



その後ドュッセルドルフ ラインオペラバレエ、ドルトムントバレエ、バイエルン州立ゲルトナープラッツ劇場、イントロダンスにて、数多くの古典とコンテンポラリー作品にてソリスト及び主役を踊る。

現役ダンサーを引退後、ドイツを拠点にスペイン人振付家カィエターノ・ソトのアシスタントとして活動中。新作製作におけるアシスタント、また各国のバレエ団にて再演の振付指導を専任する。主なバレエ団に NDT2、バレエBC、ロシア国立ペルミバレエ、スペイン国立ダンスカンパニー、チューリッヒバレエ、トゥルーズ キャピトルバレエ、バレ・ダ・シダデ・サオパオロ、アウグスブルクバレエ、ライプチッヒバレエ、など。





Mikiko Arai

She began her classical education in her homeland of Japan, at the Suzuki Classic Ballet Academy then at the Sachiko Ogura Ballet Studio. She continued training in the United Kingdom where, under the direction of Margaret Barbieri, she was given a scholarship to join the graduation course at the London Studio Centre.

She began her professional career in 1993 as a member of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf, Germany, under the invitation of artistic director Heinz Spoerli. She remained in Germany as a Soloist with the State Theater Dortmund before moving to Introdans in The Netherlands. She then returned to Germany where she danced with the Ballett Theater Munich at the Gärtnerplatz State Theater.

During her varied career, she danced many soloist and title roles from both the classical and modern repertoire. Her range includes ballets from Marius Petipa, Sir Frederick Ashton, John Cranko and George Balanchine as well as works form choreographers Jiri Kylián, Nacho Duato, Hans van Manen, Carolyn Carlson, Jean-Christophe Maillot, Nils Christe, Christopher Wheeldon and Cayetano Soto.

Since retiring as a dancer, Mikiko has focused her attentions on assisting choreographers, as both Répétiteur and Ballet Mistress. She works most extensively with the choreographer Cayetano Soto, both re-staging his ballets and as choreographic assistant, with such companies as Nederlands Dans Theater 2, Ballet BC, the Tchaikovsky Perm State Ballet,Balé da Cidade de Saõ Paulo, Compañia Nacional de Danza, Ballet du Capitole, Gauthier Dance, Theatre Augsburg, Leipzig Ballett and Ballet Zurich amongst others.  

She is currently studying Dance Science at the University of Bern..